
Sunday, December 30, 2012


I started to read books again this year and I loved it <3, rather than watching movie or drama from notebook which uuhh making my eyes sick because of the radiation. And I got my new favorite writer, it was Tere Liye. Hohoho

God touched me deeper this year. Sorrow here and there, but I know He listened to us. I know He loved us and will always love us. Feel so grateful. And hey, it did not happen this year, the end of the world. hahaha.

Mazmur 31:22 (31-23) Aku menyangka dalam kebingunganku: "Aku telah terbuang dari hadapan mata-Mu." Tetapi sesungguhnya Engkau mendengarkan suara permohonanku, ketika aku berteriak kepada-Mu minta tolong.

Yesaya 49:15-16 Dapatkah seorang perempuan melupakan bayinya, sehingga ia tidak menyayangi anak dari kandungannya? Sekalipun dia melupakannya, Aku tidak akan melupakan engkau. Lihat, Aku telah melukiskan engkau di telapak tangan-Ku; tembok-tembokmu tetap di ruang mata-Ku.

I got my happiness also this year. Well, 2012 wasn't really bad.. like sushow 4-sujuu, internship, trick art..

2013, please be nice to me, to us..