
Friday, November 15, 2013

As a Buyer, Not a student

Good evening again!! Thursday ago, I came to an Oracle invitation, kind of a seminar, the first time since I've got work at my workplace. Well, I thought it was really seminar, full of sharing knowledge, and some kind of that. Well, the core of that seminar was the promotion of their product. Hahaha, too naive, right? I should have prepared myself as a buyer not a student :-( This is a story about a newbie..

Well, here is what I got:
Oracle has new product that called Oracle In-Memory, that can contain and process data of OLTP and OLAP. OLAP data will use new format. This feature (can I called this feature?) can only be had if you have already installed Oracle 12c, while my office is still using version 10g (>.<). Version 12c is using pluggable database which can be plugged to another container database easily (can be transferred between other server also). They said that technology was called multitenant -> resources (OS/VM or memory) which can be shared among databases. Before too far, I have a question.. what is container database? They said something like Gold (RAC, data guard), Silver (data guard), and Bronze (back up).. well I imagine it's like a storage which has each classification of capability. Then, they talked about Oracle Cloud that had a new principle "Database as services" -> pay per use (use first as much as you need, then pay).

They also introduced about Super Cluster M6-32, a complete server and engineered system in one pack. All I could remember was about their price offering.. $ 3.6M (*o* and they said about bla-bla X faster and better than before. And other products like Oracle Mobile Platform, Exadata, Big data, etc. Now, I have a question.. How big data works and filters all the unstructured data? Still confusing, the information that they gave was still on surface level (>.<).

Next time, I should prepare myself as a buyer, ok? And as an implementer also, ok?

On Time!

Good evening. For this time, I'd like to post something spiritual again while it is still clear in my memory. The preacher's name is Riza Solihin, -I remember it because whenever he comes, Mrs. Elis will persuade me passionately to come to his session; he's kind of her favorite preacher.
Well, on time.. The preacher said that he believed that God had His own planning/itinerary for each of our life. Yes, I think it's true, God is always manageable. The preacher said that if we wanted to have our wish granted fast as we want, you must be in the line which had been prepared by Him.. "Keep seeing straight to the true purpose, don't be easy to change your mind, persuaded by something attractive in the middle of your journey, which can make you stay for a while and make the journey needs more time to be finished, makes God's plan being real on delay..."
Don't you get it, Iren? You mustn't be perfect first to begin something good/big. Don't you just only let your life go with the flow. "Life has no remote, get up, and change it your self". I remember my mother said, "To be in something fun and happy is easy, but to be in something right and true - like to do something for God- is hard and has much more barrier.." Well, for now on, Iren, please have an on time habitual.. don't think too much, just do it.. #smile

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Lirik Lagu Kubutuhkan Perhatian-Mu

Seperti sungai hidupku mengalir....
ku merindukan hadir-Mu Tuhan

Saat ini, impian itu menjadi nyata,
ku terus berlari mengejar impianku..

Tuhan terimalah aku dalam rencana-Mu, 
buatlah hidupku menjadi penuh arti.
Dan jangan biarkan aku berpaling dari-Mu,
karena aku membutuhkan perhatian-Mu.

I LOVE that song ♥♥♥

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Random 2

Morning, I'm in the middle of human ocean on a train, near the door and the near the seat actually, wkwkw. Let me try to post something here.

Still about the pray gathering at my workplace. A preacher came and I didn't know about other attendant's feeling, but I felt that he was really used by God as a reminder and a messenger.

He told us that not only him that was dellegated by God to do God's willing, but also us. As employee, we who chosen and placed at the workplace also had a mission from God. He placed us here to be a model to apply what God taught, Love Law. And the simple thing to do to be a model is doing the best of us in our work. Believe, He has a beautiful story for us : )

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Feel Unfair?

I came again to -maybe it's called- Pray Gathering at my workplace on Wednesday. The preacher shared the story of the lost youngest boy "Anak yang hilang- Si bungsu". And he focused on the oldest boy whom protested to his father because he was treated UNFAIRLY by his father when the youngest came back to the house.

Sometimes, we feel treated unfairly. It's different with jealousy. Jealousy is resulted from the partner and the unfairness is resulted from the head or upper position.

What I got from the sharing is that the relationship between God and us is not the same like the relationship between Manager and the worker which is we need to work first and then you get your pay. God and us have a Father-and-child relationship which is a stronger and closer bond. Father LOVES every of his child. And remembering He loves us is so releaving. He will be with you every day and night, in every step you take. It was like He tried saying to me "Don't you worry, child. Everything will be alright."

Saturday, June 8, 2013


I read again my posts in 'Rohani' label. Omg, I feel I'm a two faced person like "orang Farisi and ahli Taurat". I'm sorry. I don't want to be like them. Because I'm not very pure person, I also make wicked and egoistic things.

Wednesday- June 5th 2013, the first time I went to 'Persekutuan Doa' at my workplace which it is seldom to find that kind of gathering in a company -correct me if I'm wrong-, and I'm grateful to find it there.

Well, a priest came there and started to explain about a story in Gospel of John - it was a woman slept with other guy (not her husband) and she was brought to Jesus and He said who felt have no sin could start to throw her with little rocks.

If you know what story I mean, "orang-orang Farisi and ahli Taurat", ones who brought that woman to Jesus. But, it was themselves who left that place first and their plan to punish the woman was cancelled. The priest said maybe we were the kind of that Farisi hypocrite. Look at the mirror and watch it and start to ask yourself. Jleb.

And, the priest said about "What the use of many services or attendances out there but we didn't have good and caring attitude to our family? It's useless." Jleb! We need to start our care "kasih" from the closest one, our family. He said that. Knock knock me. What I underline is not about many services or attendances like activity in a young people group or other similar group at your church. But, what I underline and more important is the caring attitude for the family.

In the end, I think I need a lot of correctness and repairing. Age of 22 is waiting ting~

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Masalah saat menginstal Windows 7 atau Windows 8

Masalah pertama:

1) Ketika kamu ingin meng-install ulang Windows dengan USB (flash disk)
Dengan menggunakan software "Windows7-USB-DVD-tool".
Langkah pertama, memasukkan .iso -nya.
Langkah kedua, memilih antara USB atau DVD, di sini, dipilih USB
Setelah muncul nama USB kita, program akan memformat USB, lalu menjadikan USB bisa melakukan booting (bootable).
Setelah itu, di-restart untuk menjadikan USB kita first-priority (didahulukan) dalam proses booting.
lalu tak lama setelah restart, ada pilihan menuju BIOS-nya (enter F2).
Setelah geser ke kanan menggunakan anak panah sampai ke pilihan BOOT.
Setelah itu, geser pilihan USB ke paling atas (kalau saya, menggunakan F5 atau F6).
Di-save settingan-nya, bisa menggunakan F10 atau Exit dengan save changes.
Setelah itu, bisa muncul setup untuk meng-install.
Download >>

2) No device drivers were found. Make sure that the installation media contains the correct drivers.
Ketika menemukan pesan error di atas, klik Cancel sampai kembali ke halaman Install NOW.
Karena aku menggunakan USB untuk booting-nya, di halaman Install NOW itu, usb aku cabut, ganti dengan usb lainnya. Bila masih belum bisa, kembali ke halaman Install NOW, cabut lagi, dan colok lagi dengan usb yang berbeda. Dan, ternyata berhasil jalan.

3) Ketika selesai meng-install, tapi tampilan Windows nya tidak terang atau buruk. (Ini saat meng-install Windows 8)
Aku menggunakan software "win7_1512754.exe" untuk memperbaiki atau meng-update Intel Graphic-nya.
Dan, voila jadi terang dan normal kembali.
Download >>

Sekian, semoga bermanfaat, terima kasih ^__^.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Negeri Para Bedebah

Judul Buku: Negeri Para Bedebah
Penulis: Tere Liye
Halaman: 440
Tahun Terbit: 2012
Penerbit: Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Kesan pertama melihat cover-nya, hmm apa itu hidung pinokio dan serigala berbulu domba? Tentang apa sebenarnya buku ini? Terus akhirnya melihat-lihat Daftar Isi-nya. Dari judul-judul babnya, "Pertempuran", "Racun", "Krisis Dunia".. oh ternyata memang bukan kisah cinta, lebih jantan dan banyak action-nya. Tumben-tumbenan ada yang seperti ini, berbeda dari kisah Tere Liye *yang aku tahu* sebelumnya, akhirnya terbelilah bukunya.

Membaca buku ini seperti menonton film action saja, seru bukan main. Dan juga, jadinya teringat dengan peristiwa beberapa tahun yang lalu dimana salah satu bank di Indonesia hampir ditutup.

Buku ini berkisah tentang seorang konsultan keuangan profesional bernama Thomas.

Thomas sudah terkenal di kancah internasional, ia sering menjadi pembicara dalam konferensi ekonomi antar bangsa. Semua berjalan lancar seperti biasa, sampai ia didatangi kenalannya pagi-pagi buta yang mengabarkan bahwa Bank Semesta milik pamannya, Om Liem, dinyatakan bangkrut dan akan ditutup. Thomas yang membenci pamannya tersebut karena suatu kejadian di masa lalu, harus terlibat dan bergerak membantu pamannya untuk lolos dari penangkapan polisi. Ia mau menolong pamannnya, karena ia yakin, melalui kasus ini, ia akan bisa menemukan kembali orang-orang dari masa lalu yang bisa menguak kenapa orang tuanya bisa termakan si jago merah.

Kejadian demi kejadian, Thomas berpikir cepat bagaimana ia dan Om Liem bisa meloloskan diri dari penangkapan polisi. Ada pertarungan-pertarungan dan strategi-strategi seru saat melarikan diri. Thomas juga harus memikirkan bagaimana caranya mengumpulkan informasi untuk menyelesaikan masalah Bank Semesta. Ia dikejar waktu. Waktunya hanya dua hari, sebelum Senin, hari yang dijadwalkan untuk mengumumkan penutupan Bank Semesta. Ia harus bertemu dengan orang-orang penting yang tepat dan mengumpulkan wartawan ekonomi profesional untuk mengubah paradigma yang menyatakan bahwa Bank Semesta harus ditutup. Ia harus terbang dan berpindah dari satu kota ke kota lainnya demi keberhasilan hal ini.

Thomas tidak sendiri, dia dibantu temannya di klub 'petarung tinju', sekretarisnya, nahkoda yacht-nya, bahkan jurnalis cantik yang baru dia kenal pun terlibat untuk membantunya. Namun, tidak semudah yang dibayangkan, masalah demi masalah datang, ia pun harus tertangkap beberapa kali, menghadapi situasi di ujung tanduk, dan akhirnya harus bertemu dengan orang-orang yang dibencinya dari masa lalu. Bagaimana nasib Thomas dan pamannya serta orang-orang dari masa lalu itu? Apakah Thomas berhasil menggagalkan penutupan Bank Semesta?

Semuanya terbatas oleh waktu, dan itu yang membuat ketegangan dalam membaca buku ini. Pemikiran cepat dan pengambilan keputusan yang tepat dari Thomas menambah ketertarikan sendiri. Lalu, banyak wawasan baru juga yang didapat dari buku ini, inilah nilai tambahnya. Salah satunya saja, ada tips untuk menanamkan ide di kepala orang lain dalam situasi frontal-percakapan terbuka, yaitu: dengan mengambil sisi terbalik dari ide yang ingin ditanamkan. Karena begini, orang yang telah berpihak pada suatu hal misalnya, ketika bergabung dengan percakapan pihak yang terlalu kasar, naif, terlalu menyerang, dan penuh kemarahan, secara tidak sadar akan mengambil posisi yang bersebrangan dari orang yang kasar/naif itu..dengan alasan tidak mau kalah, ingin terlihat bijak, dsb. Jadi, bila mengucapkan ide yang bersebrangan dengan ide yang mau disampaikan dengan marah/kasar/naif, orang yang diajak bicara malah berpikir/berbicara mengenai ide yang kita mau disampaikan dengan sendirinya.

Ada yang disayangkan juga, karena seiring dibaca cerita ini, sudah tertebak siapa yang menjadi pengkhianatnya dan tidak menjadi suatu kejutan lagi. Namun, setelah beberapa bab awal cerita, ada peristiwa Esmeralda Fernando yang bikin ngakak. Lalu, untuk ending-nya, ceritanya cukup ajaib juga. Pesan yang aku dapat dari buku ini, yaa, jangan rakus seperti bedebah. Kasih empat setengah bintang untuk buku ini. ^o^

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Rainbow Cake Recipe

This rainbow cake recipe is good enough for someone whom isn't professional like me or my sister. It makes the cake not really bad, because it has a taste hohoho *it must be caused by the butter, butter makes a good taste. So, are you curious enough? Click the picture to view it better. Well, FYI, the recipe is in Indonesian language because I get it from a magazine in Indonesia. And the ''Butter Cream MerryWhip" doesn't have to be made.

Good For The Broken-Hearted

These are some songs that will make you, the broken-hearted, feel a little better. Hearing Jessica SNSD at Romantic Fantasy make me want to post this.

1. Someday - Jessica's Cover (The real singer is Nina from Philippines)

2. Pasti Ku Bisa - Sheila On 7

3. Pretty Enough - Verbal Jint

Well, alright, at the end, Kelly Clarkson said, "I want you to know that it doesn't matter where we take this road someone's gotta go.."