It was my pleasure to be a part of this social act. Kelas Inspirasi has a mission presenting to needy children pictures of what they can be in their future. There are many kinds of jobs that might be reached even though they have limitation, especially in financial. If they have a future visualization, we can hope that they will have a bigger motivation to struggle in reaching their bigger dreams, not getting married in young age, because there is a better life await in front of them if they keep on the track, on the formal education. Kelas Inspirasi calls people to build these children's dreams.
Kelas Inspirasi Bogor II was held on September 9th of 2014. I was a part of recruitment committee and this was my first experience as a facilitator. Becoming recruitment staff touched me because in my society, there were still a lot of people that wanted to help other people and opened my mind because there were jobs that I thought never could be reached by young people or never thought it could be existed in Indonesia, such as assistant of parliament staff, part of World Bank that have a branch in Jakarta, a person who have a job to heal mental disordered people, etc. My second job was facilitator. As a facilitator, I thought it was a joyful thing. The reasons I said that because I got new friends that had a different background, and I could escape one day from my routine (it was a sweet escape). Two facilitators guided a group that consists of a few people (the volunteer), but there were also groups guided by only one facilitator. As a facilitator, we had to bring the spirit every day before the day of Inspiration Day, and told volunteers what they had to do, what they had to tell to the children, what they had to prepare for the Inspiration Day, and also needed to accompanied them at the school to help if there were unexpected trouble. Because the audience were children, the contain of the class had to be made as simple + fun as they could, for example, with picture, puzzle game, or crayon, or ball, or doll (doll hand) something like that. Helpfully, my facilitator partner was an experienced one and there was a tutorial video for giving materials to the children at the Inspiration Day (here) and many many other videos that uploaded on Youtube that would light up your fire.
My group had a chance to visit Sindang Sari 2 Public Elementary School. It only had
four rooms for Class 1 till 6 and each level had two classes, A and B. At the beginning, I was confused and amazed of their time management. But, they could. The key was the Class 6 had a longer schedule than others and one class could be placed for maximum three shifts in a day. For this event, all of them were arranged to come at the first and second shift. They also had their wide enough field to do ceremony and sport, though, it was joined with next public elementary school, Sindang Sari 1.
In the early morning, facilitator and volunteers gathered in one place, brought out things needed according to what we had planned and prepared before. After couple minutes, it came to ceremony time. At the ceremony, we did some ice breaking 'Superman Whooz Clapping' (I saw many children had fun with this, they teased each other), introduced ourselves to the children, and closed the ceremony, then the children went back to their class and waited for their new teachers (the volunteers). And then, new teachers started to tell their story about their jobs, one teacher for one class, and every 30-40 minutes, the teacher switched with another teacher. At last, the Inspiration Day was closed by flying a bunch of balloons (wohooo).
These were Sindang Sari 2 done (^ v ^):
1. Ceremony
2. Annisa (Research and Product Development) -- making milk together
3. Eka (Statisticians) -- showing how fun statistic thing with balls
4. Vidya (DPR Assistant Staff) -- simulation meeting at DPR (Parliament)
5. Jaya Gulo (Customs Staff a.k.a Bea Cukai Staff) -- using doll (LINE doll and barbie) for telling his story
6. Sausan (Mind Slim Coach) -- using picture that related with health
7. Doddy (Molecular Biology Scientist) -- playing with water color to make rainbow
8. Sri Rahayu (Procurement and Supply Chain Staff) -- using kind of game board that related with her jobs
9. Resti (Public Relation) -- using puzzle picture
10. Dhenny (Actuary) -- telling how to calculate money
11. Muh. Fatwa (IT Networker) -- showing video networking from hand phone - laptop - infocus
12. Alfa (Bag Designer) -- playing doh
13. Saiful Mujani (Owner of a Survey Company "SMRC") -- showing video about quick count
14. Ajeng (photographer) -- but her captures were not uploaded here (hehe)
15. Hand stamping
16. Flying balloons
17. Children tried to collect their new teachers sign
18. And this is us #yey - Group 16
Kelas Inspirasi Bogor II was held on September 9th of 2014. I was a part of recruitment committee and this was my first experience as a facilitator. Becoming recruitment staff touched me because in my society, there were still a lot of people that wanted to help other people and opened my mind because there were jobs that I thought never could be reached by young people or never thought it could be existed in Indonesia, such as assistant of parliament staff, part of World Bank that have a branch in Jakarta, a person who have a job to heal mental disordered people, etc. My second job was facilitator. As a facilitator, I thought it was a joyful thing. The reasons I said that because I got new friends that had a different background, and I could escape one day from my routine (it was a sweet escape). Two facilitators guided a group that consists of a few people (the volunteer), but there were also groups guided by only one facilitator. As a facilitator, we had to bring the spirit every day before the day of Inspiration Day, and told volunteers what they had to do, what they had to tell to the children, what they had to prepare for the Inspiration Day, and also needed to accompanied them at the school to help if there were unexpected trouble. Because the audience were children, the contain of the class had to be made as simple + fun as they could, for example, with picture, puzzle game, or crayon, or ball, or doll (doll hand) something like that. Helpfully, my facilitator partner was an experienced one and there was a tutorial video for giving materials to the children at the Inspiration Day (here) and many many other videos that uploaded on Youtube that would light up your fire.
My group had a chance to visit Sindang Sari 2 Public Elementary School. It only had
four rooms for Class 1 till 6 and each level had two classes, A and B. At the beginning, I was confused and amazed of their time management. But, they could. The key was the Class 6 had a longer schedule than others and one class could be placed for maximum three shifts in a day. For this event, all of them were arranged to come at the first and second shift. They also had their wide enough field to do ceremony and sport, though, it was joined with next public elementary school, Sindang Sari 1.
In the early morning, facilitator and volunteers gathered in one place, brought out things needed according to what we had planned and prepared before. After couple minutes, it came to ceremony time. At the ceremony, we did some ice breaking 'Superman Whooz Clapping' (I saw many children had fun with this, they teased each other), introduced ourselves to the children, and closed the ceremony, then the children went back to their class and waited for their new teachers (the volunteers). And then, new teachers started to tell their story about their jobs, one teacher for one class, and every 30-40 minutes, the teacher switched with another teacher. At last, the Inspiration Day was closed by flying a bunch of balloons (wohooo).
These were Sindang Sari 2 done (^ v ^):
1. Ceremony
2. Annisa (Research and Product Development) -- making milk together
3. Eka (Statisticians) -- showing how fun statistic thing with balls
4. Vidya (DPR Assistant Staff) -- simulation meeting at DPR (Parliament)
5. Jaya Gulo (Customs Staff a.k.a Bea Cukai Staff) -- using doll (LINE doll and barbie) for telling his story
6. Sausan (Mind Slim Coach) -- using picture that related with health
7. Doddy (Molecular Biology Scientist) -- playing with water color to make rainbow
8. Sri Rahayu (Procurement and Supply Chain Staff) -- using kind of game board that related with her jobs
9. Resti (Public Relation) -- using puzzle picture
10. Dhenny (Actuary) -- telling how to calculate money
11. Muh. Fatwa (IT Networker) -- showing video networking from hand phone - laptop - infocus
12. Alfa (Bag Designer) -- playing doh
13. Saiful Mujani (Owner of a Survey Company "SMRC") -- showing video about quick count
14. Ajeng (photographer) -- but her captures were not uploaded here (hehe)
15. Hand stamping
16. Flying balloons
17. Children tried to collect their new teachers sign
18. And this is us #yey - Group 16
-The End-